My name is Expedito Agatep. My family and I migrated to Sydney, Australia in August 1993, from the Philippines. We began attending a local Baptist church where the Gospel was preached, and a year later, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour.

In 2000, the Lord led our family to Southland Baptist Church (formally Bethany Baptist Church) in Seven Hills, where I am actively involved in soul winning, discipleship, and small group Bible study.

After a Missions Conference in June 2006, my wife and I surrendered our lives to preach the Gospel to our countrymen. The Lord used Romans 9:3 to confirm our calling, coupled with sickness and trials which has taught us to trust in God’s provision, and perfect timing. We have visited the Philippines on various occasions, and seen a number of people put their faith in Jesus Christ. With our vision of reaching the Cagayan Province with the Gospel, the Lord has confirmed in our hearts to start a work in my hometown, Ballesteros.